
Report to Council, 18 August 2020

13 August 2020

A report will be presented to Council at its 18 August 2020 Ordinary Meeting which provides an overview of the findings from the community engagement process.

The report states that overall the general direction of the draft Masterplan was supported with the majority of participants indicating support for the centralised community facility and the need to address car parking, open space and general improvements to the amenity of the Hampton Activity Centre.

A summary of the feedback that was received on the key issues raised during consultation is included in the report.

A copy of the report is available via Council’s website item 10.4.

Recommendations to be considered (from Council report):

That Council:

1. applies for Federal Government funding to undertake a more detailed feasibility of the potential multi-deck car park at the Service Street car park;

2. continues work to progress the Hampton Masterplan having regard to the feedback received alongside funding considerations to implement its recommendations; and

3. receives a report at the 15 December 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council enclosing the final Hampton Masterplan for consideration.

The Council Meeting details are as follows:


18 February 2020


Watch the meeting online


Meeting commences at 5pm

Due to the current State of Disaster declaration and curfew requirements, Ordinary meetings of Council and Planning & Amenity Delegated Committee meetings will commence at 5pm unless otherwise indicated in the applicable Agenda.

Temporary meeting procedures are in effect until further notice, whereby Council Meetings will be held remotely and without members of the public present; however, meetings will be live-streamed via Council’s website.

Alternative arrangements are in place for members of the community to be heard in relation to eligible items listed on the agenda, or to submit a public question. Find out more information here.

All enquiries relating to Council Ordinary Meeting procedures should be directed to Council’s Governance Department by telephone (03) 9599 4691.

If you have any further questions regarding the report or Council’s next steps, please contact me on (03) 9599 4631 or via