
Reporting the community consultation findings to Council

12 September 2019

Through the recent consultation processes, we heard from a range of stakeholders and members of the public on the wide range of opportunities and issues covered in the consultation material.

The key messages that we heard during the consultation included:

  • Much stronger support for a centralised facility bringing together existing and future community facilities and services;
  • In order for any development of Council land, we need to be looking more strategically at how we are dealing with car parking and congestion;
  • We need to ensure that we are maximising opportunities for new public open space and locating this so that it integrates well with any future facilities;
  • The scale of any new facility needs to strike the appropriate balance between providing community floorspace and allowing for growth, whilst ensuring future building design is of an appropriate scale and design, and provides open space, improved public realm and traffic and parking conditions;
  • Whilst a multi-deck car park has some support, Council needs to make sure that the future built form and traffic management of any facility is appropriate, and that a mix of commuter and visitor parking is provided.

Whilst the consultation has now closed, we are now proposing to delve into more detail and start to look at what the centralised option could look like, considering the feedback we received.

A report is being presented to the 17 September 2019 Ordinary Meeting of Council to provide an overview of the outcomes from community consultation and recommends that Council undertake more detailed work on a centralised option and a potential multi-deck car park.

The next stage will include a more detailed concept plan outlining what the building and public areas could look and feel like, as well as considering how we best manage the traffic and car parking. Preparing a more detailed concept will allow us to understand the implications in more detail and consider how Council could best deliver any new facilities.

There will be further opportunities for community engagement on a more progressed option in early 2020, once Council has appointed a team to prepare the concept design.

The Council Meeting details are as follows:


17 September 2019


Council Chambers, Boxshall Street, Brighton


Meeting commences at 7pm

A copy of the report is now available on Council's website.

The Council Meeting is an opportunity for all submitters to address Council directly. Please note your submission will be considered by Council, whether or not you decide to attend the meeting.

If you wish to speak at the Council Meeting, a request in writing must be lodged with Council’s Governance Manager prior to 11am on the day of the meeting.Requests can be lodged via Council’s website at

All enquiries relating to Council Ordinary Meeting procedures should be directed to Council’s Governance Department by telephone (03) 9599 4691.