
Update Hampton Community Infrastructure Feasibility and Masterplan assessment.

14 February 2020

At its 17 September 2019 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved to proceed with the concept design for a centralised option for future community facilities in the area.

Since then, Council has been working through the next steps that are required to deliver on the project.

A report will be presented to Council at its 19 February 2020 Ordinary Meeting which outlines at a high level the approach Council intends on taking moving forward.

All future user groups will be engaged in the process as we move toward understanding in more detail what a centralised option would mean for each of the unique services and facilities.

There will be opportunity for community engagement throughout 2020 as Council progresses to understand the needs and operational requirements of a centralised community hub.

The Council Meeting details are as follows:


18 February 2020


Council Chambers, Boxshall Street, Brighton


Meeting commences at 7pm

A copy of the report will be available no later than the Friday prior to the Council Meeting at the Corporate Centre, all Bayside libraries and on Council’s website:

If you wish to speak at the Council Meeting, a request in writing must be lodged with Council’s Governance Manager prior to 11am on the day of the meeting. Requests can be lodged via Council’s website at

All enquiries relating to Council Ordinary Meeting procedures should be directed to Council’s Governance Department by telephone (03) 9599 4691.

If you have any further questions regarding the report or Council’s next steps, please contact me on (03) 9599 4631 or via