
Update on Hampton Hub concept feasibility analysis

3 July 2023

Council considered a report on the Hampton Hub regarding undertaking feasibility analysis on design options for the Willis Street precinct at its June meeting.

At this meeting it was resolved that Council:

1. undertakes a feasibility analysis of only Options 1, 3 and 4 for the proposed Hampton Hub

2. includes the following assessment of open space as part of the feasibility analysis:

  • quality meeting and recreation space
  • the open space is not unreasonably overshadowed from neighbouring development
  • be of an appropriate size and shape
  • is safe from vehicle traffic
  • is quiet and relatively free from noise pollution
  • the provision of a children’s playground
  • is not bordered by back of house facilities
  • allows for the retention of existing trees and provides for deep rooted planting.

3. also includes in the feasibility analysis:

  • the ability to incorporate commercial space to provide an active edge to the public open space
  • avoidance of overdevelopment - in particular, all buildings to adhere fully to the preferred height guidelines of DD012 and avoidance of visual bulk
  • utilisation of the current scout hall site as additional outdoor space, potentially incorporating a children’s play area.

4. undertakes community consultation on Options 1, 3 and 4 following Council’s consideration of the analysis of options.

5. considers a report before 30 December 2023 on the findings of the feasibility analysis and community feedback on the development scenarios and considers the next steps.

Work to implement the above will now commence, before a report with the findings is presented back to Council later this year.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Nick Bunney, Senior Strategic Planner on (03) 9599 4484 or via email to

View the minutes from the meeting.