
Willis Street concept supported for Hampton Hub

23 February 2024

Council gave in-principle support to the Willis Street Precinct Plan concept for the Hampton Hub at its February meeting, following feasibility analysis on a range of development options.

The Willis Street Precinct Plan concept, drawn from the Hampton Community Infrastructure Masterplan June 2021, will deliver a civic square containing a purpose-built intergenerational community hub and north facing open space.

The Hampton Hub will provide a place for the local community to gather, enjoy new public open space, and access community services and transport options – connecting all current community services and programs in one facility. It will be a pedestrian friendly precinct, which fosters an inclusive, accessible, and vibrant urban environment.

Currently, the earliest possible start for this transformative project will be in 2030, unless external funding is obtained.

We will also be looking to undertake works over the next year, where supported by existing budgets, to enhance the delivery of community service and open space in Hampton.

Read the February 2024 meeting minutes