Feedback on Options

What is your connection to Hampton?

We consulted with the local residents and traders during May this year and they told us what they value most about Hampton. All of these place value statements are important - however every resident, shopper and visitor will have differing opinions about the relative importance of one value, over another.

Please rank each value from 1 to 6, with 1 being the MOST important to you, and 6 being the LEAST important to you.

  1. Hampton will be safe and accessible #
  2. Hampton will have a ’village’ scale and feel #
  3. Hampton will be welcoming, green and friendly #
  4. Hampton will have high quality public spaces and community amenities #
  5. Hampton will offer an active community life #
  6. Hampton facilities will be sustainable and ready for the future #

Before providing your feedback on the two Options, you should review both concept plans and then weigh up which option will best meet your needs, in the future.

The concept plan for Option 1 - Centralised option is shown here

The concept plan for Option 2 - Dual site option is shown here

In your opinion, which option will work best for Hampton? Required
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In the following section, you can comment on any advantages or disadvantages about the Options presented.

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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.