
Report to be presented to Council on Tuesday 26 October 2021

21 October 2021

A report on the Municipal Public Health Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 is included in the agenda for next Tuesday’s Council meeting on 26 October 2021.

The purpose of this report is to seek Council endorsement for the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021–2025 (MPHWP) and its associated Action Plans.

Bayside’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 outlines the health and wellbeing priorities for Bayside City Council over the next four years. The Plan is an evidence-based, strategic document to guide Council’s planning, policy, and strategic direction in response to improving public health and wellbeing at a local community level.

Over the last 12 months Bayside’s Health and Wellbeing Plan has been developed in close consultation with the local community and through wide-ranging collaboration with key agencies, partners, and stakeholders including council’s Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee and Healthy Ageing Reference Group.

Implementation of the Plan will be driven by two strategic Action Plans which have been designed and will be delivered in partnership with key internal and external stakeholders. These Action Plans include:

  • The Disability Action Plan; and
  • The Health and Wellbeing Action Plan

To read the report and the MPHWP please visit Council's webpage under item 10.5.

Due to current health measures meetings are being held remotely and without members of the public present; however, meetings will be live-streamed via Council’s website: .

Alternative arrangements are in place for members of the community to be heard in relation to eligible items listed on the agenda. To make a submission to the meeting please go to

All enquiries relating to Council Ordinary Meeting procedures should be directed to Council’s Governance Department by telephone (03) 9599 4444.