
Council to consider proposed leases for Brighton Golf Course

14 February 2024

Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation on three new leases at Brighton Golf Course. These proposed leases are for the Golf Course, proposed warm water pool and proposed wellness centre.

Over four weeks in November – December 2023, we heard 49 community members via an online survey, email and phone.

What we heard

Participants were generally supportive of the proposed leases and capital developments, with some specific feedback raised for each proposed lease:

Golf course

  • Generally supportive of the proposal, lease terms and capital development, as the golf course is a valuable community recreational asset.
  • Some concerns raised about the current maintenance of the course, whether user fees would increase, stray golf balls, and the impact of capital development on the course.

Warm Water Pool

  • Strong support for the warm water pool as a great addition to the area and will benefit the community, with positive sentiment for Bluefit managing the facility and its capital investment.
  • Some concerns about the rent-free period and about Bluefit, as the golf course operator, also managing the Warm Water Pool and Wellness Centre.

Wellness Centre

  • Support for the proposed lease and new facilities to maximise community use of the land.
  • Some concerns about the rent-free period, impact to the golf course and/or that the wellness centre is not required.

Find out more about community views on the proposed leases.

Next steps

Council will consider community feedback and granting the proposed leases at its February meeting.

Council meeting
Council Chamber Civic Centre, Boxshall Street Brighton
Tuesday 20 February 2024, 6.30pm