
Community garden installation set to begin

11 October 2022

We're excited to be installing the community garden at Little Brighton Reserve this month, with works commencing on 17 October, weather permitting.

To help kick start the garden, a community planting day hosted by Cultivating Community is being held on 9 November from 12 – 1.30pm. Everyone is welcome and no RSVP is required. During the planting session, we'll also be sharing information about seasonal crops, caring for seedlings and natural plant protection from pests.

Join the community garden group

Members of the local community can join the Friends of Little Brighton Reserve Community Garden group by registering as a volunteer via our volunteer webpage or by signing up on the community planting day at the reserve on 9 November 2022.

For more information on Little Brighton Reserve community garden, get in touch with Kirsten Friend, Sustainability Projects Officer via phone 9599 4751 or email