
A garden to grow community connections

20 July 2022

We’ll soon be installing a community garden to grow your own produce near the playground in Little Brighton Reserve, as well as planting more indigenous vegetation throughout the site.

Council decided to build the Little Brighton Reserve Community Garden at its July 2022 meeting.

Community gardens bring people together for so many good reasons. Growing your own food individually or in a collective encourages community connection and is great for your health and wellbeing,” said Mayor Cr Alex del Porto

The seed for the shared garden was planted by a local resident, with support growing when we engaged the local community on the concept designs in April – May 2022.

Residents told us they’d love to see more community gardens in Bayside, but some had concerns about the garden’s appearance if it wasn’t well cared for.

That’s why we’ve adapted the garden designs so the beds can be easily dismantled and relocated if in the future it’s no longer appropriate for the Little Brighton Reserve site.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be getting in touch with everyone who told us during the community engagement period that they’d like to be involved in managing the garden.

If you’re interested in a little patch of this community garden, there’s still time to get involved. Get in touch with Kirsten Friend, Sustainability Projects Officer via phone 9599 4751 or email