
What you told us about the Little Brighton Reserve Community Garden

13 July 2022

Local residents proposed a community garden for Little Brighton Reserve in early 2021. While there was significant local interest, we needed to engage the broader local community before deciding if we should support the proposed garden.

We wanted to establish whether there was local support to install a community garden at the proposed site, gather feedback on the draft design and initial interest in management of a community garden, and seek feedback on more indigenous plantings in the reserve.

From March to April 2022, we heard from 79 community members through an online survey and drop-in sessions on-site.

Participants told us that:

  • This was a great idea and they would love to see more community gardens in Bayside.
  • They had some concerns about what happens if the garden is established and, due to lack of maintenance and community support, it becomes unsightly.
  • Participants generally support the concept of a community garden in the Reserve, however there was less commitment to be involved in the ongoing management of the garden as a community project.
  • Everyone who attended the on-site engagement was supportive of more indigenous planting
  • Participants were generally supportive of the design, but wanted some changes made including seating and table areas.

What we’re doing:

We’re proposing to proceed with the community garden, with minor modifications based on feedback.

The design allows for removal, if there is no community support to manage the garden, vandalism or other negative experiences.

The design also allows for increase in size and scope if it’s managed well and desired by the community group developed to manage the garden.

Next steps

Council will consider community feedback and the Little Brighton Reserve Community Garden proposal at its July meeting.