
Council Resolution

1 September 2020

On 8 August 2020, Council considered a report on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s refusal to authorise exhibition of the planning scheme amendment to implement the Pennydale Structure Plan (Amendment C163bays). At this meeting, Council passed the following resolution:

That Council:

  • rescinds the Pennydale Structure Plan 2018 and abandons its implementation;
  • writes to property owners within the Structure Plan area to inform them of Council’s decision;
  • receives a report at the 15 December 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council on the feasibility of:
    • a shared user path, connecting Cheltenham to Sandringham with shared zones and bicycle paths, and whether this can be facilitated through the Park Road Level Crossing Removal project;
    • advocacy to the Minister for Transport to instruct the Level Crossing Removal Project to construct a shared user path level crossing and extend the path from Heather Grove to Southland, with a bridge over Bay Road to enable connections between Cheltenham, Highett and Southland;
    • advocacy to the Minister for Transport to instruct the Level Crossing Removal Project to extend the path adjacent to Heather Grove north with a ramp to the western platform at Southland Station;
    • how Council may progress the access and movement actions from the Structure Plan in the absence of a Structure Plan; and
  • considers opportunities for the landscape and vegetation elements from the Public Realm section of the Structure Plan through other strategic work, including the neighbourhood character policy review and the urban forest strategy.

You can access the full Council report here:

As a result, the Structure Plan will now be abandoned and will not be afforded any status in decision making in the area. The current planning controls affecting Pennydale will remain in place to guide any new development in the area.

If you have any questions about the Pennydale Structure Plan project please contact Julia Weyhe, Senior Strategic Planner on 9599 4785 or