
Why do we need a Structure Plan?

12 June 2018

What is a Structure Plan?

A Structure Plan is a long term plan for a specific location that sets out the vision and planning framework for an area. Structure Plans are applied to areas that are already identified as locations for growth to:

  • Set out where and how this growth and development will occur;
  • Ensure development is located and managed appropriately; and
  • Ensure that infrastructure and services will meet the needs of the current and future residents.

How will you benefit from a Structure Plan?

The Structure Plan is your opportunity to influence what type of development is allowed in the area and also what changes and improvements are needed to ensure it continues to be a great place to live.

As development is expected to occur in this precinct, implementing a Structure Plan will enable Council to introduce planning controls that better reflect the local context of the area and to identify what infrastructure is required to support the population.

Without a Structure Plan residents will have limited ability to influence or challenge how development occurs in the future.

View Council's background report which addresses key planning issues for the area, such as housing, building design and traffic and transport

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