
Footpath Treatments within Road Reserves 2019

20 June 2019

The Footpath Treatments within the Road Reserve Policy 2019 has been revised to include the feedback we have received from the community in May 2019.

Following the feedback we received, Council resolved to cease consultation activities associated with the draft Footpath Treatments Within the Road Reserve Policy, relating to the following locations shown in Section 6.1:

  • footpath on the south side of Park Road, Cheltenham – between Cheltenham Park access road and Cheltenham station;
  • footpath on the west side of Reserve Road, Cheltenham – between Balcombe Road and Weatherall Road;
  • shared path on the south side of Cheltenham Road, Cheltenham – between Bluff Road and Reserve Road; and
  • footpath on the west side of Jack Road Cheltenham – between the bus stop opposite 18 Jack Road and Bay Road.

In light of the above, the proposed list of exclusions to the Policy to provide a footpath or shared path on Park, Reserve, Cheltenham and Jack Roads, has been removed the policy.

A report will go to Council at the 25 June 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting. At an officer level, it is recommended that Council adopts the Policy.

Please refer to the following links for further information:

If you wish to be heard at the 25 June 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, please lodge your application.