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Interactive map

Click on the icons to view indicative images of special features of the new playground. These are just a taste of what the new design proposes. You can download the complete set of plans under the heading 'Playground plan'.

What's included

Above is the proposed draft design, which includes the following upgrade works

Improvements to the play equipment

  • Adding a new accessible viewing tower featuring a slide, abacus, labyrinth board and binoculars
  • A new junior play structure will be included with a slide, tunnel, balancing logs, wheel and rope climb
  • A new sandpit with waterplay elements and a spinning rope swing will be installed
  • Adding miniature accessible trampolines and a basket swing

Other proposed improvements

  • Installing new senior adult fitness equipment
  • Additional garden bed and tree planting
  • Improved path links

Please provide your thoughts by clicking through the tabs to our feedback form by Sunday 2 August.

Tell us what you think

Your feedback

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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.