
Bayside’s Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study

21 July 2022

59 individual properties, plus a group listing of eight properties are now proposed for inclusion in the Heritage Overlay with the adoption of Bayside’s Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study.

Councillors resolved to not proceed to seek controls over 28 properties, arguing against these meeting the threshold for inclusion in the Heritage Overlay.

Bayside Mayor, Cr Alex del Porto said that heritage is historically a complex issue in Bayside and Councillors sought to balance the views of the community and expert advice.

“Heritage is an intrinsic part of what makes Bayside special however post-World War 2 heritage is typically not an era that has strong representation in the Heritage Overlay in Victoria,” Cr del Porto said.

“The inclusion of 67 post-war modern properties is a step towards protecting important places that contribute to Bayside’s valued built environment.”

“After much debate, we believe the properties put forward represent the strongest examples of post-war modern buildings in Bayside.”

Council will now seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to undertake a planning scheme amendment , which includes a public exhibition period which will allow property owners and stakeholders the opportunity to support or object to the proposed heritage controls.

An independent planning panel will be sought to consider submissions and make recommendations to Council if there are objections to the Heritage Overlay before the matter is considered at a future meeting of Council.

There are already more than 1,500 properties currently protected in Bayside’s Heritage Overlay and in the last 5 years, over 90% of applications to alter these properties were approved by Council.