
Establishment of a Delegated Committee of Council

10 March 2022

A report will be presented to the upcoming 15 March 2022 Council meeting to seek the appointment of a Delegated Committee of Council in relation to Bayside City Council’s Draft Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study (the Study).

Council’s Governance Rules currently place restrictions on the number of speakers that can speak to any item at an Ordinary Council Meeting. This would restrict the number of speakers at the June 2022 Council Meeting to 5 speakers in support and 5 not in support of the officer recommendation.

Given the interest in the Study and the number of properties contained within it, the recommendation to hold a Delegated Committee meeting provides an opportunity for all affected parties to present their views directly to the Delegated Committee, which will be comprised of all Councillors. This is intended to ensure that all affected property owners are afforded an opportunity to speak to the matter, rather than restricting it to the 10 speakers allowed by Council’s Governance Rules.

Further information will be made available in relation to the Delegated Committee meeting in due course, if the recommendation is carried at the upcoming March 2022 Council meeting.

The March Council meeting details are as follows:

Date: 15 March 2022
Where: Watch the meeting online
When: Meeting commences at 6.30pm

A copy of the agenda is available at Council’s Corporate Centre and on Council’s website.

The March Council meeting will be held with only Councillors and Council officers present in the Council Chamber, as part of a planned transition toward the resumption of public attendance for the April 2022 meeting cycle. Meetings will continue to be live-streamed.

Members of the public may submit a written statement (maximum of four (4) A4 single pages) which must be sent electronically, or delivered to Council's Corporate Centre, by 9:00am on the day of the meeting. Find out more about making a submission.

All enquiries relating to Council Ordinary Meeting procedures should be directed to Council’s Governance Department by telephone (03) 9599 4444.

Should you have any further queries regarding the draft Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study, please do not hesitate to contact Rachael Hudson, Senior Strategic Planner on (03) 9599 4368 or via e-mail