
What you told us about undergrounding powerlines

16 November 2022

Thank you for taking part in our consultation on undergrounding powerlines.

Between 1 August and 4 September, we heard from more than 390 people about our draft Undergrounding Powerlines Policy via an online survey, as well as conversations with advisory groups.

It’s clear that our community would like to see more powerlines put underground in Bayside, however, there are divided opinions about how to fund these works.

Participants told us that:

  • Strong desire for underground powerlines

81% of participants would like their powerlines to be underground, with 12.5% opposed and 5.5% not sure. Three participants already had underground powerlines.

  • Prioritise undergrounding works on significant street upgrades and open space

Significant street upgrades were the highest priority area for undergrounding among most participants, followed by public open space, and activity centres.Car park upgrades were ranked as least important for undergrounding works.

  • Grants and Council-funding works preferred funding methods

Government grants was the funding method with the highest level of support (87%), followed by Council-funded works (84%).

There was a mixed response to the Special Charge Scheme, with 74% of participants equally split between Definitely consider and May consider (119), and slightly less selecting Would not consider (91, 26%).

The least favoured funding method was full cost covered (upfront) by the community, with 201 participants (64%) selecting Would not consider.

  • Draft policy is clear and easy to understand

A majority of participants agreed that the draft policy was easy to understand, clearly outlines the funding options, and sets out a consistent and fair approach.

Find out more

Read a summary report on community feedback


Next steps

Council will consider community feedback and the draft Undergrounding Powerlines Policy and associated draft Special Rate and Special Charge Scheme Policy at its November meeting.

Council meeting 6.30pm, 22 November 2022