
Bayside City Council adopts Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan

4 July 2022

Bayside City Council has endorsed our inaugural Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan, taking the next step for reconciliation in Bayside.

The Action Plan will strengthen relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the general community and focuses on engaging staff and stakeholders in reconciliation and developing and piloting innovative strategies to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Mayor, Cr Alex del Porto said the journey to reconciliation is ongoing and requires continuous learning and reviewing.

“Commitments within the plan will allow Council to be aspirational and innovative in establishing the best approach to advancing reconciliation,” Cr del Porto said.

“To achieve this we will continue to work closely with the Traditional Owners, the Aboriginal Community and the wider Bayside community to build best practice as we move toward reconciliation for all.”

The Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan was informed by Traditional Owners, our External Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Committee, our Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the wider Bayside Community.

“As a Council, we are committed to making Bayside a diverse, healthy and liveable place for all by engaging with our diverse communities to improve access and inclusion in Bayside,” Cr del Porto said.

Launched during NAIDOC Week, the Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan will be reviewed annually and reported to Council, to ensure relevance and to respond to the changing needs of the Bayside community.