We have created a new design for the centre which includes a village square and a new and improved streetscape. The creation of a village square outside the Sandringham train station will encourage a vibrant community atmosphere, bring more visitors and support economic growth in the area.

Click through the tabs below to get a better understanding of what's included in the upgrades and what will be the impacts of the changes.

  • A village square immediately in front of the Sandringham Train Station
  • Improved footpaths to allow for easier pedestrian movement
  • Attractive public spaces with furniture upgrades
  • Enhanced streetscapes with more trees and improved signage
  • Wider footpaths with street trees in Station Street.

The proposed design requires a redesign of the roundabout and changing vehicle access to the station frontage to a single two-way street. This will mean the existing plaza will be expanded to incorporate the village square, bus access and bus stops remain in the present location.

The proposal is to increase underutilised street spaces, introducing a mix of new landscape materials, infrastructure and planting to support the use and growth of Sandringham Village.

Footpaths will be upgraded to ensure the village is safe and accessible for all users. The new footpaths will be updated with a mix of exposed aggregate concrete and asphalt.

  • People stay longer in the centre
  • A place for people to meet and mingle
  • Improved look and feel of the village
  • More activity and events to attract shoppers
  • Higher visitation to the village
  • Increased safety from having more people around

Changes to car parking: There will be a loss of ten car parking spaces as a result of the proposed upgrades. This includes a loss of six short term car spaces (15 minute) from opposite the station due to bus manoeuvring around the village square and four short-term (1 hr) spaces removed on Station Street for improved pedestrian safety and accessibility.

Changes to the roads and footpaths: The roads will be narrowed and the footpaths will be widened to improve accessibility on Station Street and Waltham Street;

Staging construction: This project is now divided into four stages.

Stage 1, the subject of this consultation, includes Station Street (south oft he central plaza), part of Waltham Street and part of Melrose Street, construction is anticipated to commence mid 2020.

The next stages of this streetscape upgrade includes:

Stage 2 - Bay Road

Stage 3 - Melrose Street

Stage 4 – Station and Abbott Street

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