Project objective
The sportsgrounds at Dendy Park are a very popular and valued recreation venue in Brighton East. Soccer and cricket clubs use the grounds for training and competition, and dog owners enjoy the off-leash areas when not in use for community sport.
We’re proposing to upgrade the lighting at Dendy Park to help meet Australian standards for community sports competition and training. The upgrade includes:
- reusing the 9 existing light poles
- removing the existing halide luminaires
- installing 45 new LED luminaires.
We’re applying for a Sport and Recreation Victoria grant to assist with funding the proposed LED lighting upgrade project.
Project impacts
- The introduction of LED lighting to Council’s reserves supports the increasing need for sustainable and energy efficient systems.
- We expect a 65% reduction in total running and maintenance costs.
- The new smart LED lighting ensures maximum lighting with a low impact on the surrounding area.
- The lighting capability will increase to match-standard lighting for the main pitch.
What information do we need from the community?
During the 2-week community engagement period we will gather feedback about the proposal to upgrade the lighting. Participant contributions will be collated via online comment, or uploaded written statement submissions on the project’s Have Your Say page.
Contributors can also directly contact the project lead via email or phone to provide feedback. The information collected will help to decide on the the grant application, and the project’s delivery.
What can the community influence?
- Council’s understanding of community sentiment about the LED lighting upgrade at Dendy Park.
What can’t the community influence?
- The Sport and Recreation Victoria grant submission.
- The type of lighting used and a scope increase to include new lighting towers.
Stakeholders and community
This stakeholder assessment is a generalised understanding of sections of the community that have a connection to the project or matter. This information is used to understand the types of tools and techniques that will achieve the strongest and most effective outcomes for engagement and communication.
Impact: What level of change the stakeholder / community segment may experience as a result of the project / matter
Interest: What level of interest has been expressed or is anticipated
Influence: Reference to the IAP2 Spectrum
Stakeholder / community | Impact | Interest | Influence |
Local residents | M | H | Consult |
Clubs (who will use the lights) – Brighton Soccer Club, Brighton Old Boys FC, Hampton East Brighton Football Club | H | H | Consult |
Other clubs at the park (but not impacted by the works): Brighton District Cricket Club, Brighton Little Athletics Club, Dendy Park Tennis Club and Brighton Bowling and Sports Clubs. | M | M | Consult |
Club members | H | H | Consult |
Players visiting the sportsgrounds | M | L | Consult |
Dog owners who visit the park | M | M | Consult |
Bayside Dog Alliance | M | M | Consult |
Selected tools and techniques
The tools and techniques selected for this project are informed by the project content, stakeholders and type of feedback sought.
Key tools for communicating the project
- Project page on Have Your Say engagement platform.
- Direct email to relevant stakehlders.
- Project information letter to nearby residents.
- Signage with QR code link to project page installed around Dendy Park.
Key methods for gathering feedback
- Online comment and written statement submissions on the project’s Have Your Say page.
- Email, post, or phone submissions.
- Opportunity to book a meeting with Project Manager to discuss the project.
- Printed materials, as required.
Project timelines
Timeline: |
| |
Preparation of grant application | Active | November 2024 – February 2025 |
Community consultation | Active | 6 December – 19 December 2024 |
Collate and consider feedback | Not yet commenced | January 2025 |
Outcome of grant application | Not yet commenced | June / July 2025 |
Project delivery | Not yet commenced | Summer 2025-2026, providing Council support and successful grant application |
Decision-making process
The community will be engaged over a 2-week consultation campaign about the proposal to upgrade the lighting at Dendy Park. Feedback will be considered before deciding on the delivery of the project, providing the Sport and Recreation Victoria grant application to fund the project is successful.
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More information:
Scott Filliponi
Recreation Projects Officer