
Thomas Street All Abilities and Ages Playground Concept Plan

30 May 2019

We have now completed the initial gathering ideas stage for the new Thomas Street all abilities and ages playground.

We have used community feedback to prepare a draft concept, which shows the broad layout of the different parts of the playground and the supporting amenities.

The Concept Plan will be further developed and used to form the draft playground plan, which will be the subject of the next major phase of consultation. The concept plan is available to view via the document library on the main project page.

We have also prepared an engagement summary report that captures the community feedback we received during the gathering phase.

The overall consultation was designed to provide local residents, park visitors and the broader community with the opportunity to provide input at a number of stages in the design.

In summary the key topics we heard during consultation included:

  • There’s a strong attachment to the wooden character of the current play structure and a wish to see this character taken forward
  • The explorative nature of the current fort structure is really valued, though there are concerns from parents about sightlines
  • Kids want to climb and bounce
  • Activities for older kids and teenagers are needed
  • There’s a wish for more unstructured nature play to compliment the structured playground
  • Shade and shelter are highly valued
  • The open, natural character of the park is a great compliment to the playground and is used in many ways
  • There’s interest in creating a circuit walking path around the park from older adults, from people whose main form of exercise is walking, and from parents with children learning to cycle.

Next steps

For the next stage we will be to developing a detailed plan for the playground, which will show the different types of equipment and activities. We will come back to you again for feedback in July 2019.

If you would like to discuss the concept plan in more detail please contact Andrew Shannon on 9599 4676 or email