
Council dives into warm water pool locations

22 December 2021

Council endorsed the north-east corner of Brighton Golf Course as a preferred site for a public warm water pool at its December meeting.

Following the exploration of seven sites across Bayside, including Thomas Street in Hampton, the north-east corner of the Brighton Golf Course next to the car park has been selected as the best location for access and protection of the local and residential environment. The public golf course would remain a par-67 with the careful realignment of two holes.

Council’s endorsement of a location is an important milestone for this project, which an independent feasibility study confirmed would likely receive high usage from Bayside’s proportionally older population and those with a disability or injury.

The proposed warm water pool would cater for all ages, thanks to a moveable floor in the main pool to facilitate children’s swimming lessons, while a second, fixed-depth clinical pool enable aquatic programming and therapeutic activities to run at the same time. To ensure access and inclusion for all, changerooms would be included for those with complex or high needs.

Rehabilitation and rejuvenation

Leisure Management Services, the current lessee at Brighton Golf Course, has also presented a proposal to Council to independently fund, develop and operate a Wellness Centre in the north-eastern corner of the course to complement the warm water pool.

This proposed facility would include hot springs and plunge pools, as well as a sauna, spa, snow room and reflexology walk through the natural environment.

Community views

Community engagement on this significant project, as well as the Wellness Centre proposal, is expected to commence in February 2022. Please register for project updates to have your say when consultation opens.

Graphic map showing proposed location of warm water pool next to Brighton Golf Course car park

Proposed location of warm water pool adjacent to existing car park at Brighton Golf Course