
Warm water pool and wellness centre update

6 July 2022

Council considered community feedback on the Warm Water Pool and Wellness Centre at its June meeting and decided the next steps for the project, as set out in its resolution below:

  1. proceeds to stage two – design development for a Warm Water Pool at Brighton Golf Course
  2. undertakes stage two – community engagement to test the draft design for the Warm Water Pool
  3. provides landlord consent for Leisure Management Services to proceed with design development of the Wellness Centre at Brighton Golf Course
  4. commences lease negotiations with Leisure Management Services regarding management of a Warm Water Pool and Wellbeing Centre at Brighton Golf Course
  5. commences detailed site investigations to inform design development of a Warm Water Pool and wellness centre at Brighton Golf Course
  6. engages, via the head consultant, the services of a physiotherapist with expertise in warm water pools to provide input into the design as part of the design development process
  7. engages the Bayside Healthy Aging Reference Group, Bayside Seniors Action Group and Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee as part of a design development workshop to inform the building design
  8. reconfirms its commitment to providing affordable, community access to both the warm water pool and clinical pool
  9. notes that officers will undertake detailed site investigations as outlined in the body of this report.

It is expected that community consultation on the draft design will commence in October 2022. Please select the blue +Subscribe button at the top of this page to receiv updates and an invitation to participate when consultation opens.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first phase of community consultation, and those who submitted written statements or spoke in relation to the project at the June Council meeting.