
Consultation Open on Future of Recycling and Waste

25 July 2018

Dealing with waste is one of the biggest challenges faced by councils and communities across Australia – how to refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle rather than burying our rubbish in landfill.

We are seeking community feedback on a range of issues to inform the development of a new plan to improve Bayside’s recycling and reduce waste into the future.

We are developing a Recycling and Waste Management Strategy to guide Council services and education programs.

The aim of the strategy will be to increase recycling and reduce the amount of waste Bayside produces and sends to landfill.

Our target is to reduce the amount of waste Bayside sends to landfill by 60% in 2020 and 75% by 2025.

Please visit our project page, complete a quick survey and share your own ideas and solutions.