
Provide your feedback on the Draft Recycling and Waste Management Strategy

19 September 2018

Council is seeking your feedback on proposed changes to Council’s recycling and waste services as part of a new strategy to reduce the volume of waste generated by Bayside households that is currently sent to landfill.

The draft Recycling and Waste Management Strategy was developed following community engagement with more than 1,800 residents earlier this year.

The key service changes identified in the draft strategy are:

  • Introduction of food organics/garden organics recycling (FOGO) service via the current green garden waste bin collection from 1 July 2019
  • A green garden waste bin will be provided to all households who have not already paid for the green waste bin service for a one-off $100.20 charge
  • Optional mini bins/caddies will be available from Council at no charge. Council is not proposing to supply compostable bags
  • Changes to bin collection frequency in 2022/23 - garbage bin collection switches to fortnightly and FOGO to weekly
  • Expansion of the Tip Shop at the Talinga Road Waste & Transfer Centre
  • Future investigation and community consultation on a user-pays service for the hard rubbish collection.

Visit the Have Your Say page to read more and provide your feedback.