
Community engagement report going to Council

11 October 2019

A report on the findings from the community engagement on developing a Masterplan for the Brighton Recreational Centre and Wilson Reserve will be considered by Council at the meeting on 15 October 2019.

The report outlines that the community engagement provided a greater understanding of what is important to the community and key stakeholders from a redeveloped Centre and Wilson Reserve. The engagement process showed that stakeholders hold an interest in the redevelopment of either Wilson Reserve or the Centre and there is minimal cross-over in terms of mutual interests. For example, what sports clubs want from the Masterplan is very different to what users of the Centre want from the Masterplan.

Due to the diverse yet equally important interests in the Masterplan, the officers’ recommendation is to change the scope of the Masterplan into two separate yet complementary projects; one for the Centre and one for the Reserve. This approach will help to ensure any redevelopment will cater to the unique needs and interests of the different user groups.

Council staff propose to work with the Board and management of the Centre to co-design a refurbished Centre to meet the needs of current and future users. Officers suggest a deliberative process of co-design heavily informed and influenced by the community engagement results.

Staff also recommend to work with BGS and other key stakeholders to explore the option of a pavilion and improved playing surface for Wilson Reserve. Stage 2 of community engagement will be amended to reflect the revised scope of the project.

A copy of the report can be found in the Council Agenda papers on Council’s website and the public is welcome to attend the meeting which is held at the Council Chambers in Boxshall Street in Brighton on Tuesday 15 October from 7pm. Residents are also welcome to submit questions or request to be heard at the Council meeting. The process for this is outlined on Council’s website.

The report provides a summary of the community engagement as an attachment to the report. The Community Engagement report can also be found in the Document library on the project’s Have your Say page.