Proposed exterior concept design
The Warm Water Pool facility would be approximately 1,600m2 in size, including concourses, amenities and plant room.
Its curved exterior is designed to create a light, modern building surrounded by nature and complementary to its leafy, green setting.
Through large expanses of glass, the building reflects its golf course setting while bringing natural views into the interior with soft and bright north facing light.
The exterior colour has not yet been selected. Four options are illustrated below.
Exterior treatment and colour options
Interior floorplan
The indicative interior floorplan aims to create a welcoming community facility and positive experience that will meet the needs of all users, including older people and people of all-abilities.
The facility will include two pools to provide opportunities for all community members to benefit from warm water exercise.
Two pools will be available at different times for community use and gentle exercise, learn to swim classes, clinical rehabilitation and programs.
Allied health services, such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy, will also be offered from the Warm Water Pool facility.
A Pro Shop to service the golf course is proposed to be included within the building, with the existing Pro Shop to be converted into a virtual training facility.
The floorplan below provides an indication of the area assigned to different functions of the facility. Details such as change room cubicles, seating and interior treatments, customer service area will be added during the next stage of detailed design, and will incorporate community feedback on the concept designs.
We’ve already had some valuable feedback from community groups and committees and you can read more about what they told us below.
Update 22 November
Council considered community and stakeholder feedback and endorsed a revised concept plan at its November 2023 meeting.
Endorsed floorplan
Stage 2 consultation floorplan
Indicative floorplan (Stage 2 consultation period)

Features of the design
The need for sufficient on-site car parking and preventing local traffic congestion were the top two challenges raised in the first phase of community engagement.
The Warm Water Pool is located next to the existing car park at Brighton Golf Course, with vehicle access via a one-way loop road off Dendy Street.
The existing car park has 134 parking spaces, with a further 33 car parking spaces along on the loop road. A total of 234 parking spaces are located in the immediate area, including along Dendy Street.
We commissioned a Traffic Impact Assessment report which found that the warm water pool would likely generate an additional car parking demand of up to 62 spaces on a typical weekday and 59 spaces on the weekend.
Parking occupancy surveys undertaken around Warm Water Pool location found a minimum of 182 available spaces during the weekday surveyed, and 147 available spaces available on the weekend.
Within the off-street car park immediately adjacent to the proposed Warm Water Pool, there were 100 spaces available during the weekday peak period and 71 spaces available during the Saturday peak period.
On this basis, the Traffic Impact Assessment report found that there is enough available parking to accommodate the additional weekday and weekend car parking demand generated by the Warm Water Pool.
The traffic report also recommends a pedestrian path is constructed from Dendy Street to the Warm Water Pool, as well as bicycle parking facilities installed at the site to encourage use of sustainable transport.
User affordability of this public facility was another challenge raised during the first phase of community consultation, and Council has committed to providing affordable, community access to the public Warm Water Pool.
The proposed fee schedule is benchmarked across mid-range similar facilities and current aquatic industry costs. Fees may increase by 5% per annum, subject to consultation with Council.
Activity | Proposed Price |
Adult entry | $15 |
Concession entry | $8 |
Child entry | $8 |
Family | $32 |
Learn to swim | $24 |
1:1 private lesson (30 mins) | $60 |
Aqua aerobics | $19 |
Aqua aerobics comcession | $17 |
Active program (over 60) | $17 |
Lane hire (per hour) | $45 |
The Warm Water Pool will be specifically designed to cater for people of all abilities, including facilities and programs for people with high or complex needs.
The facility will incorporate a range of features to ensure it is accessible for all including:
- Hoists from accessible adult change rooms to service each pool.
- Moveable floor in the larger pool
- Ramp access to both pools with handrails
- Accessible changerooms with toilets and showers
- Allied health services onsite
- Undercover access from accessible carparks (located at main entrance).
The water temperature of both pools will be maintained at 34 degrees, with a warm internal air temperature. The water will be treated with UV to reduce levels of chlorine.
Airlocks at the entrance to the facility and the pool have been included in the design to ensure stable, warm internal temperatures.
A kiosk service, serving hot and cold drinks and basic food such as toasted sandwiches, will be provided from the service counter at the entrance to the warm water pool. Seating will be provided at the front of the facility.
While a café within the Warm Water Pool facility was desired by the community in the first phase of consultation, through the design process it was determined that the warm water pool facility would not be large enough or have enough visitation at any one time to support a full café and kitchen. As a community clinical facility, floor area for the two pools has been prioritised to maximise community use, as well as ensure spacious areas around the pools for accessibility and seating.
The proposed Wellness centre would include a full café.
To enable the construction of the Warm Water Pool facility, approximately 15 trees will be removed, including some larger, more significant native trees.
However, more than 500 canopy, middle and understorey trees and vegetation will be planted around the Warm Water Pool and across the golf course to offset the removal of this vegetation.
Next steps
We are continuing to work with community advocates, including the Bayside Healthy Ageing Reference Group and Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee, to ensure the interior fit-out meets the needs of older residents and people of all-abilities.
We are continuing to work with community advocates, including the Bayside Healthy Ageing Reference Group and Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee, to ensure the interior fit-out meets the needs of older residents and people of all-abilities.
Here are some of the things they have already told us that we need to consider for the detailed design:
Pools designed for safe and easy access
- Easy access from outside to inside the pool – shortest distance possible
- Hoists for both pools
- Rails/grips at top of pool, and below the water line recessed into the wall
- Non-slip surfaces
- Parking for wheelchairs and other mobility aids around pool
Change facilities have conveniences and privacy
- Large lockers that can accommodate mobility aids
- Separate single-sex change rooms
- Separate change rooms for swim classes and older participants
- Hair dryers in change rooms
Water maintained at consistent temperature of 34 degrees
- Minimise chlorine levels
- Water temp needs to be at 34 degrees (both pools) to support rehab needs as well as maintaining wellness
Seating throughout the facility
- Plenty of seating around the pool and hooks for personal belongings
- Wide seats in change room
Mixed views on the movable floor
- Consider whether the moving floor is the best option/value for money
- Movable floor to be blanket, uncertain for second pool
- Unsure whether we need movable floor
First aid room and medical assistance
- Emergency access for medical personnel
- First aid room
Natural design elements, lighting and air flow
- Natural outlook and views – bringing in outside environment
- High quality air filtration
- Maximise natural light; minimise glare from afternoon sun
- Consider privacy for windows
- Really unobstructive (externally)
- Vegetation and landscaping
Designed for core function and primary user groups
- Admin to be integral to entrance, so there is someone to be there to help
- Carefully consider heights of basins and handles
- Design concentrates on pools and changerooms – not the café
- Entrance central – shorter distance for people to get to the space they need
- Has to be dedicated to warm water activities – medical model
- Hooks for bags
- Low counters and minimal counters
- Supervision is a key aspect for design
Warm climate throughout facility
- Really warm ambient temperature – e.g., freezing winds when opening door (consideration of entry area)
- General change areas need to be warm too
- Orientate away from cold prevailing winds
Spacious design, comfortable and easy to move around
- Sound baffling above pool – really good acoustics
- Make more space than you think you need – room to move and space for carers
Read more about what they told us in this workshop engagement report.