Below is a summary of Theme 1: Build the foundations of the draft Climate Emergency Action Plan. The detail represented here is a summary from the detailed Action Tables in the Action Plan and may not appear word for word for ease of reading.


Develop an educated, mindful culture ensuring the Climate Emergency response becomes business-as-usual across all Council departments.

Outcomes by 2025

All staff are aware of the organisational response to the Climate Emergency and their individual responsibilities.

All Policies, Strategies, Action Plans and Service Plans reflect the Climate Emergency.

A community greenhouse gas emissions reduction target is established and integrated into the Climate Emergency Action Plan.

All reports to Council consider and address the implications of the Climate Emergency.

Climate emergency reporting to the community is regular, consistent and transparent.

Climate Emergency advocacy priorities are clear, specific and supported by key messages.

Council does not have any direct investments that finance fossil fuel projects.

Key Strategies, Plans and Policies

To be reviewed:

Procurement Policy

Risk Management Policy

Investment Policy

One Bayside

To be developed:

Climate Emergency Advocacy Plan

Draft Climate Emergency Action Plan

Summary of themes and objectives from the Action Plan.