Changes are proposed to the parking arrangements in this car park. These changes seek to improve pedestrian safety, vehicle movement and parking for cars, boats and bicycles.

In summary, the car park assessment indicates that additional long car parking spaces are not required in order to accommodate vehicles towing boat trailers. The masterplan proposes more equitable parking arrangements for boats and cars at the end of North Road near the boat ramp.

Other modifications planned for the car park layout include:

  • Amend the entry road to create more usable pedestrian space at the toilet block and North Point Café.
  • New zebra crossing for pedestrians between the playground and the Café/public toilets.
  • Introduce a roundabout to reduce the complexity of the existing line markings at car park entry.
  • Provide additional bicycle parking facilities at the North Point Café/public toilets and playground.

An illustration of the proposed changes is shown in the North Road Foreshore Detail Plan and more information on the Parking Study and recommendations is available on Page 7 of the draft masterplan.

Your feedback

Your feedback: what do you think about the proposed improvements to parking and taffic?

Please consider the statements below and select your level of agreement

No response
The improvements will make it safer for pedestrians
The improvements will make it easier for vehicle movement and parking

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